
For the drum scene I was lead of modeling and texturing items such as the large pencil, ground, back ground, hands, twin spheres and the falling debris! As for the theatre scene, I lead in modeling the entirety of the theatre such as the stage, chairs, curtains and rippled roof. Worked closely with Pranay and Yuying on both shots as well to bring these shots to life.

Creative Director: Yuying Herr
Art Director: Freya Yeh
Producer: Kagan Marks, Scott Sandifer
Lead Designer: Kathie Yang
Lead Graphic Designer: Mel Petzold
Lead Animator: Desmond Du
Art Director: Freya Yeh
Producer: Kagan Marks, Scott Sandifer
Lead Designer: Kathie Yang
Lead Graphic Designer: Mel Petzold
Lead Animator: Desmond Du
Design: Anna Yang, Auralee Mayfield, Ghia Villasin, Obi Nwosisi, Olivia Trotter, Yu Xin King, Yuying Herr
Graphic Design: Alaijah Hampton, Alyssa Kalbus, Anna Yang, Erica Kim, Ghis Villasin, Yorlieth Avila
Animation: DaAe Kim, Freya Yeh, Greg Markman, Kathie Yang, Kagan Marks, Leah Evans, Lirio Ramirez, Olivia Trotter, Pranay Parekh, Wendy Huang, Yuying Herr
Graphic Design: Alaijah Hampton, Alyssa Kalbus, Anna Yang, Erica Kim, Ghis Villasin, Yorlieth Avila
Animation: DaAe Kim, Freya Yeh, Greg Markman, Kathie Yang, Kagan Marks, Leah Evans, Lirio Ramirez, Olivia Trotter, Pranay Parekh, Wendy Huang, Yuying Herr